ISTE Professional Learning Network

ISTE Professional Learning Networks is a network that connects educators from around the world to share and learn ways to incorporate the use of technology in the classroom to solve complex problems. ISTE provides a variety of professional development recourses for teachers, such as blogs, podcasts, courses, and they even have a Summer Learning Academy for teachers to attend if they are interested. ISTE also has a Twitter account that shares up to date information and shares other educators' work that can be helpful to others. This is a great way to engage in professional development. On their website, you can find a list of Twitter chats that one can look-up and become a part of a community. The Twitter chats are scheduled for a specific time and day and those who are interested in that topic area, can follow the hashtag and be a part of the meaningful conversations that are being shared from educators around the world. Some of the chats are very broad and discuss many things, such as #edchat, or some can be specific to specific topics, class subjects, grade level, location, and etc. For example, #FlipClass is for anyone interested in having a flipped classroom model, or #Games4Ed for educators that are interested in incorporating games into students' learning. This would be a great way to connect with different educators from around the world and maybe even create your own math community.

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